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Brand & Marketing Strategy

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Brand & Marketing Strategy


Brand & Marketing Strategy – What’s the difference?

Brand & marketing strategies are often confused. What are the core differences between the two ?  Marketing is generally seen as promoting a product or service. It’s a PUSH strategy. It’s pushing a message to get sales results.Buy our service or product, because its better than the competitors, it’s coolers, or someone famous uses it”. Branding should come before marketing. Your brand is more than your logo, name or slogan.

Your brand is the entire experience your prospects and customers have with your company, product or service.   Branding is a PULL strategy. It is an expression of the underlying values of the company, product or service, it’s characteristics, it’s values and what it represents.  The brand does not say “buy me, rather the brand says…. this is why we exist, this is what we represent and this what we believe in.  If your agree, then please buy me, support me and tell others as well”


Brand & Marketing Strategy- Which is bigger

Marketing may contribute to a brand, but the brand is bigger than any individual marketing effort. Your brand strategy brings your competitive positioning to life, and works to position you as a certain “something” in the mind of your prospects and customers.  However, your customers are the ones who ultimately define your brand. Their perception of your brand is what sticks with them and the people they influence.
The most successful brands evoke an emotional response. Look at the emotional benefits of your brand, product or service and boil it down to one sentence. This is what you want people to think of your brand. This is what you brand needs to represent.


Your Brands Purpose

It’s best to know where you have come from before you move forward.
At the core of your brand is service. We all serve someone in order to get sales. Core to your brands success are the answers to these simple questions:
  • Why did we build this business?
  • Why do we want to help out this specific group of people?
  • Why does it matter that these things get done right?

Your brand strategy brings your competitive positioning to life, and works to position you as a certain “something” in the mind of your prospects and customers.

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voice of your brand

The voice of your Brand

Once you know the answers to these “whys” you can move to the hows!  You can attach values and messages to your brand’s purpose to expand your “brand” in the company’s consciousness.

  • How do want my brand to be perceived – casual, formal, professional
  • How do I communicate this with the market- what “voice” will it have

Your customers are the ones who ultimately define your brand. Their perception of your brand is what sticks with them and the people they influence.  The most successful brands evoke an emotional response. Look at the emotional benefits of your brand, product or service and boil it down to one sentence.  This is what you brand needs to represent.

 Defining your brand values

Once you have asked your self why your exist, it’s time to ask yourself who you are?

Your values should be at the core of all you do, and permeate every aspect of your business, products, services and policies. Solid values will create consistency and service your company as guiding principles for all you do and create.

Brand values live in your team

Remember, your brand lives in your sales team. Having consistent values will not only attract the right people, who’s values are consistent wit the company or brand values, but also empower innovation that works to support and nurture these values throughout the company.

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Instinct’s Brand & Marketing Experience

With many of the Instinct team qualified with Bachelor Degrees in Marketing, and experience working both in Australia and around the globe in various creative & marketing roles, we can help with many brand & marketing services, including (but not limited to):