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Fete – 8 Tips for Schools & Churches


Fete – 8 Tips for Schools & Churches

A lot of the planning guidelines  laid out in the FESTIVAL article, apply to all public events.

In Australia, fetes however, have become the domain of primary schools, youth organisations and churches, with a focus on fundraising. They generate income, foster pride, connectivity and a sense of community within the club, parish or school.

1. Set clear goals for your school or church fete:

Make sure the goals for the event a specific and measurable.  You wont know if you have succeeded if you do not have clear , defined, measurable goals

2. Stakeholder agreement on your fete

Get all major stakeholders to the table and agree together, document then move forward.

3. Committees for your fete

Delegate roles and stick to it! Know what your job is and who is responsible for each role.  Create a support system where by those responsible are comfortable to ask for help if needed, but have the room to get the job done in their own time.

areas to be covered include:

  • stall conveners
  • set up
  • security
  • money handling
  • equipment hire
  • entertainment
  • electrical
  • safety
  • parking
  • first aid
  • signage
  • printing
  • publicity
  • sponsorship
  • photography
  • clean up

4. Timing will determine your fete!

When selecting a date for you event, always attempt to avoid clashing with other events. Also, do no plan your event in a known quiet period when large numbers of your target audience are out of town or away.

What is happening with the school sporting diary? Make sure there isn’t an away game!! (as this will ;take children and parent (volunteers) away!)

Any other major community events that may clash?

How long is long enough?

come back to you goals? make sure the duration is appropriate to the size of the audience you are pulling on and the number of volunteers available to run it!

People may spend the same amount of money over 2 hour or 4 hours or 6 hour- so check the extra time is not just burning out your volunteers!

5. Choose a theme for your fete

People love a party or event with a theme. It helps set the mood for the day. For further them ideas see our event theme idea section.

Some popular ones are:

  • Halloween
  • Around the world
  • Spring fair
  • Jazz on in park

6. Entertain them, get them to move.

Nothing adds life to a fundraiser or fete, like a band or live music.  From a solo, duo or trio to full band, covers band or jazz, get you guest to move and groove as they move through the stalls and help your cause.  Roving performers, or visual acts add colour and movement and are always well received. Whilst they can be expensive they do add massive value to any outdoor event.

Face painters are a must for any event involving children.

An MC of master of ceremonies is a great idea, to act as the ring master of focus for announcements and introductions.

7. Rides

A big draw card- as instinct how to get the best value from your rides, and how to ensure there is something for all ages (don’t forget teenagers hate little kid rides!)

Think all day ride passes ?  increase the yield per customer? what about a family pass?

Ask your ride operators if they will share the risk. Instead of you paying them, why not split whatever they can sell (maybe you only take 25%, but have no costs??.. think about it! and ASK!)

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8. Other important thing to remember

Insurance– get it covered, a MUST!

Electricity– get a professional sparky in – another MUST

Generators– if needed make sure you have calculated the requirements and comply wit Work safe and OH&S requirements.

Security and money handling– get a professional in? ask you self if you want to count thousands of dollars of coins and carry them to the car your self?

Equipment Hire –  do this early, get multiple quotes, meet the people and make sure you have a good feel for who they are

Loos and bins– you can never have enough of either!

First aid- use professionals, not you mum!

Market day– bring in outside vendors to increase the vibe and yield! but make sure you check they are certified and covered to health standards

GET WITH THE PROGRAM! Fete- de -complice

a program with a site map will inform patrons of what they can find, do and have at your event.  It will free up loads of time from volunteers (who would otherwise be constantly telling people where the toilets are!) and it allows you space  (…now listen carefully) to SELL ADVERTISING! (or thank you sponsors!)

Best to use a professional event manager.

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