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How to Find the Right MC for Your Awards Night Event

how to find the right mc for your awards night event

How to Find the Right MC for Your Awards Night Event

If you are brainstorming awards night entertainment ideas, then you cannot miss to think about the type of MC and other entertainers you are going to hire for your event. We all know how crucial it is to keep the attendees entertained which is why it’s important to ensure key people such as the day’s MC are the best ones you can find around.

Having an all-rounded MC who can make jokes, set a friendly mood, and keep the ceremony agenda flowing without any hitches or boring episodes, is one of the most brilliant ways to keep your audience entertained. Unfortunately, finding the right one can often be a tedious process especially considering that you have to choose from different categories of entertainers including industry experts, comedians, Olympians, entrepreneurs, and even celebrities.

However, you do not need to fret as this guide will enable you make a more informed decision when looking for the most appropriate MC for your awards night event.

Understand the Goals of Your Event

From the word go, it is imperative for you to be clear about the objective and purpose of organising the award night event. Are you planning to reward staffs while also aiming to improve your relationship with the principal stakeholders and customer or do you just want to celebrate individual achievements and motivate your workforce?

Well, precise and clearly defined goals will help guide on the MC with the right profile and capacity to run the show on your night.

Get to Know Your Audience

Having a clear picture of your audience demographics is crucial to getting the right MC. You can ascertain the following about the attendees:

– General age and income bracket.

– Gender, whether male or female or a mixed ratio.

– Whether the attendees are from the same industry.

Once you have this in mind, you can easily tell what they expect from the event and thus understand the type of MC most would enjoy listening to.

For example, the needs and wants of an audience predominant with male engineers in a product innovation award event will differ from needs and expectations of guest and staff attending an annual awards night.

Find the MC That Fits the Bill on All Counts

With the organization’s budget as well as event goals and audience expectation in mind, it’s time to note down a shortlist of MCs that seem capable of fulfilling your set standards. For this step, it is recommended that you compile a decent list especially considering that some will be unavailable while you’ll also fail to agree on terms with others. So, you need to talk to a few before you lock one in.

When creating your shortlist, try to factor in each MC’s personality, delivery style, language, industry expertise, flexibility to align to your corporate objectives, and ability to keep the audience interacting and actively engaged.

To this end, one thing is clear. For you to find that perfect MC who can keep your audience engaged and entertained, you need to be clear regarding your event’s objectives, have good knowledge of your audience demographics, and be mindful of your set budget.