Venue Selection & Management
Venue Selection & Management
Without a doubt, venue selection will determine the success of your event, the vibe you create. The quality of the food & beverage, the atmosphere, location and many other aspects venue selection will determine the quality of attendance you get at your event.
Venue selection – Factors to consider when selecting an event venue
- Cost
- Space specifications
- Location, location, location
- Availability
- Ambience
- Service & amenities
- Capacity & minimums
- Parking & transport accessibility
- Layout
- Accessibility
- Insurance
- Acoustics
- Exclusivity
- Guests convenience
- Reputation of the venue and your event

Cost & Budgets
Cost of venue hire along with food & beverage packages offered is primary in the venue selection process. It has to work within your budget whilst meeting the needs of your guests.
Space specifications
This would include thing like pre-function area, exhibition space (if required) green rooms for performers, speakers, bands and MCs. It would also take into account the load in/bump out facilities, access times to lading docks, the pre-event availability & technical capabilities of the venue (AV, lighting, electrical, staging, sound and so on). Also consider what access is there for disabled or handicapped attendees.
Location, location, location
The location of the venue needs to be readily accessible for your guests, staff or attendees. A central location is nearly always best. There should be accessible parking or close proximity to transport or your attendance may suffer.
Finding the right venue at the wrong time is not much use. Events needs to be run at the right time, to avoid conflicts with other events or periods that may take your target audience away from your event. It is critical you the venue offers your event suitable time for all event logistics, including load in of all decor & theming, set design elements, styling, technical production, performer load in & suitable periods for sound check and rehearsals. Ensure this is all available & suitable for your event before you go to contract with the venue.
the over all look and feel of the venue is extremely important. Pay attention to the style and architecture of the building and its interior. What will it convey to your guests? If you are holding a gala dinner the requirements of the building will be very different to an expo, seminar or conference. The better the venue style and design, the less decorating you need to do to dress it up.
Service & Amenities
This should be a huge consideration in your venue selection. Service includes customers service, the staffing numbers the venue will provide (relative to the number of guests).
It’s about what is and isn’t included.
Do they charge to turn the lights on ? What about a stage and dance floor? Linen, chair covers, or other styling & Decor ? Do they have affordable suppliers to help you pull the event together?
Without a doubt, check out the technical production caveats. This is where you can burn money if you are not careful and aware.
Capacity & minimums
How many people can the venue hold comfortably ? Does this still allow for a stage and dance floor? Remember the venue makes money providing food & beverage. The overall guest experience & safety is your job or concern, as event planner.
Find out what the F&B minimums are for the venue, At what point does venue hire get waived, and when does it kick in. What happens if your numbers (of guests) goes down after you haver booked ?.
Always commit to less, then add on. find out the minimum number of guests you can get the “deal” for, then add to it as your numbers are confirmed. Get everything in writing!!
It is important to do you creative concept planning prior to venue selection. If you want mohave an event with certain elements, then the venue should be selected based on this criteria. No point in wanting a casino night on the 4th floor of a building without an elevator. (lifts) Gaming tables can’t be carried up that many flight of stairs
Think of there number of guests you want to attend and ensure the venue will allow easy movement and flow throughout the event. Grid lock becomes uncomfortable, and then your guests will want to leave
If you want live entertianment, a cover band, comedians, speakers or performers you will generally need a stage with clear lines of sight to the guests. Does the venue provide the stage ? Does it have a dance floor?
Simple ,.. make sure they have it (public liability covering all aspects of your event). Ask for a copy of there certificate of currency and Policy disclosure statement. If they don’t have it or wont show you…, move on.
We have all been to events where you cant here the speak or presenter because the acoustics of the room are shocking. Big, boomy and inaudible. Speakers yell, trying to be heard. Bands generally get too loud (with no effort required). Consider the nature of your event, what sound will be used throughout (music, speaking, video presentation and so on) and DEEPLY consider this before selecting you venue.
Instinct has dealt wit many issues over the years trying to correct the problems intrinsically embedded into a room design. Talk to us about your venue before your select it
It could have everything you want, be perfect, but if you have to share it with strangers, who may or may not appreciate the message your event is delivering, it’s quite possibly the wrong venue.
Guests convenience
If they are coming from out of town, how close is it to accommodation ? the airport ? other modes of transport ? How long will it take to get there ?
Reputation of the venue and your event
Ask other event planners, professional event managers , customers, client, friends.. anyone who will listen and share about their experiences in the event venue you are considering. Read review and forums. Every venue has it’s idiosyncrasies. It has its management style, customer service ethic, and a team who deliver on all of this.
Instinct deals with hundreds of venues on a monthly bases on behalf of our clients. We know the good, the bad and the ugly. Talk to us before you book you venue!
For more secrets on selecting an event venue, click here.