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Venue Entertainment

Live Music for Bars and C

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Does your venue, club or bar need entertainment ?

Selecting the right venue entertainment for Bars, Clubs & Restaurants is critical. The venue makes money from food & beverage sales, however, entertainment keeps the audience in the room, spending whilst they are entertained. The style and size of the venue will largely determine what is most suitable.

The large “beer barns” putting on 6-10 piece cover bands have mostly disappeared for the urban landscape.  Space and costs have sadly removed a lot of the large band venues, who have had to change with the times. However, venues putting on bands can reap the rewards, as the “40 somethings”, with good disposable incomes, flocking to hear the sounds of their youth.

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Venue Entertainment for Bars, Pubs, Hotels

The scale of the venue, stage area, and number of patrons the venue is licensed for will need to be taken into consideration. Of course, budgets and the demographics of the target audience will all contribute to equation of “most suitable venue entertainment”

Hip inner city bars and clubs may opt for a DJ most of the time (cost driven) and then solo performers midweek nights.  Many opt for duos & trios on peak nights such as Friday & Saturday.  A good live cover band, duo or trio or even jazz band will attract and retain customers.

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Create Loyalty with Venue Entertainment

Regular performances by individual acts (known as residencies) will help create a loyal following and drive repeat patronage by customers.

Many pubs, bars or hotels move from acoustic music into dj driven dance music as their clientele shifts from after work drinks or afternoon “Sunday Session” style, into more club or night club atmosphere as the sun goes down. Venue entertainment is an ever shifting art. Always work in “Seasons” by rotating acts on different nights and ensure good promotion.

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Venue Entertainment – Sporting Clubs

More and more sporting clubs, rugby, football & cricket clubs are shifting their marketing to include live entertainment. Capitalising on the “members” hanging out in the club, and contributing to “Atmosphere” after a game.  Solo performers and duo’s & trio’s  are most favoured. They offer cost effective entertainment at a volume that does not scared off the oldies!!

The ability to respond to requests and play “sing along” favourites is always a hit after a few cold beers! Sunday jazz session also offer all age appeal.

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Venue Entertainment – Restaurants

Live entertainment in restaurants is on the up and up again. After years of “iPod only” cost restrictions, more and more restauranteurs are realising that a live guitarist in a Spanish restaurant works. A live jazz band performing on Sunday afternoons can get guests in earlier and keep them there. Moving them from “drinks” to “dinner” and increasing the spend or yield per table or seat.  Instinct provides entertainment packages for Shopping Centres restaurant plaza areas.  This generates atmosphere & keeps shoppers on site longer. It also give husbands a place to hide, while their wives shop (husband “day care”) This has the benefit of allowing longer shopping, with a bored husband saying its time to go home !!

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Venue Entertainment – Regional locations

Holiday destinations, country towns and beachside resorts often benefit form live entertianment. many of these locations have a “peak” period over summer, when hoards of tourists come to town. The local economy booms and venue owners have t drive as much business as possible during this peak period. Live entertainers, cover bands, duos & trio’s and solo performers often help the venue owner “Make Hay” during these periods.

For regional venue owners, costs still play a large factor. If it is a long way t drive, it is best to have there band play over two nights (i.e. Friday and Saturday) to spread the travel costs over 2 nights bars takings!

Venue Entertainment – Sharing the cost

If your bar or venue is “on the way” to somewhere else, why not work together with another venue to “tour”acts, and spread the costs between the two of you.  As long as the venues are not too close, this should not cannibalise the response you will get from the locals.

Further more two (2) gigs are better than one, thus you will find more quality acts wanting to come to your venue, rather than being turned off by a long drive. This is a great way to improve quality and cost effectiveness of your venue entertainment.

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