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Testimonials - Page 15

We have provided entertainment & event management for more than 5000 weddings across Australia since 2002, but its not what we have done, but what we can do for you that counts! Listen to what our customers say!

Felicity Ward

Ward’s so damn charming, of course, and her energy, clever constructs and word play so winning.

Sydney Morning Herald
Felicity Ward

Felicity Ward’s delivery fizzes and flashes and bangs…hilarious…priceless…infectious…compelling…mental illness isn’t supposed to be this much fun

Felicity Ward

Ward is a consummate performer…for straight up stand up, [Felicity Ward] will be difficult to beat.

Independent on Sunday
Felicity Ward

Joyfully funny…her originality and sheer inventiveness stay with you long after.

Edinburgh Evening News
Felicity Ward

Relentless…easily her best Fringe show to date.

The Mirror
David Quirk

This show has enough darkness to enjoy from start to finish

Rip It Up
David Quirk

Witty, intelligent… The jokes may be wry, but the huge grins in the audience are not.

Arts Hub
David Quirk

An intelligent hour of comedy that’s both funny and philosophical, full of uncomfortable truths, black humour, and brutal honesty.

The Age
David Quirk

A triumphant show

David Quirk

Who knows what is true in this mesmerising hour, full of deep thoughts, philosophy and world-class stupidity…our hero is unfazed. Confident, assured and in control, he seems perfectly at home

The Scotsman