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Walley Stack

Australian born Singer-songwriter Phillip Walley-Stack is the worlds hottest up and coming Entertainer. His unique and powerful performances combine the past and present with a taste of the future through a truly exciting experience driven by his passion and energy for music and dance.

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    Australian Music Recording Artists
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Audio Samples

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  • Walley Stack


Australian born Singer-songwriter Phillip Walley-Stack is the worlds hottest up and coming Entertainer. His unique and powerful performances combine the past and present with a taste of the future through a truly exciting experience driven by his passion and energy for music and dance.

“Strong” is a theatrical experience fusing traditional Aboriginal and contemporary arts through song, dance and theatre. The Production explores Phil’s identify as an Aboriginal man in both a traditional and contemporary sense and was inspired after seeing a Broadway show in New York.

Strong takes audiences on an entertaining and unique journey that reveals how the oldest living culture can thrive and survive in today’s world. Phil is a firm believer that “With Culture Comes Respect” and his goal is to take his unique style of music and dance fusion to the world stage.