Andy Ward
Andy Ward is one of our finest performers. You would be convinced that he has ESP.
Live Music, Musician Singers, Solo MusiciansCity:
1 - 3
Audio Samples
- Audio Player
Sample 1 - Brown Eyed Girl
- Audio Player
Sample 1 - Brown Eyed Girl
- Audio Player
Sample 2 - Lonely Old Night
- Audio Player
Sample 3 - Copper Head Road
- Audio Player
Sample 4 - Crunchy Grenola Suite
Song List Print Full Song List
Andy Ward is one of our finest performers.
You would be convinced that he has ESP. Yet no scientific testing has be done to confirm this.
He knows what you love to hear, He certainly knows how to get you onto the dance floor, and knows how to make you laugh.
With over 10yrs of full time performances, you would think he would take his long service leave.
But no! He is too busy having fun doing what he does best.
Ideal for:
Awards Nights, Cocktail events, Conferences, End of year break up party, Corporate Family Days, Festivals, School Fetes, Fundraiser events,
Gala Dinners, Product Launches, Sporting Events, Staff Christmas parties,