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Cary L

Cary L solo guitar performances are emotive and passionate, a still point of reference in a world, which is becoming an increasingly uncertain place. He is one of Australia’s best selling independent artists; yet, he remains a fresh new musical experience waiting to be discovered by a growing audience.

  • Entertainment:
    Live Music, String Instruments
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Audio Samples

  • Audio Player
    Demo 1
  • Audio Player
    Demo 2
  • Audio Player
    Demo 3


  • Cary L


Cary L solo guitar performances are emotive and passionate, a still point of reference in a world, which is becoming an increasingly uncertain place. He is one of Australia’s best selling independent artists; yet, he remains a fresh new musical experience waiting to be discovered by a growing audience.

Cary’s beautiful original solo guitar music draws on the best elements of jazz, latin, folk, finger style blues and echoes of classical technique. Cary’s music transcends barriers and is loved by people of all ages and backgrounds.
Cary plays two, specially built, hand made Gary Rizzolo seven-string acoustic/electric guitars. The extra bass string gives a wider tonal range and more warmth allowing the subtle nuances of his intricate playing style to shine through.
Cary was born in Tasmania in 1952. As a child he played the piano and at the age of 17 he taught himself to play the guitar. Originally a primary school teacher, Cary has also worked as an ABC scriptwriter for the program Singing and Listening, and as the Musical Director with the Salamanca Theatre Company. His music has been used widely as backing sound for programs such as the acclaimed ABC documentary series, Australian Story. He also wrote and performed the music for the ABC Tasmanian drama, The Town That Died.

He has performed with Tommy Emmanuel, Olivia Newton John, David Gates (Bread), Don Burrows, Christine Sullivan and others. Currently his music is played regularly on ABC national radio and Classic FM. He composed and performed ‘A place in our hearts’ for the state funeral of our late premier, Jim Bacon. He has given a highly successful and much loved solo guitar concert for the 10 days on the island festival and has performed at the National Folk Festival. He has toured internationally with a focus in Japan.
Cary’s concerts provide the audience with a delightful insight into the stories & inspiration behind his music, as well as experiencing his live interpretations of his compositions. To describe Cary’s solo guitar performances in words could only belie the depth of his talent. See him in concert and let the musical experience speak for itself.