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Bruno The Waiter

Bruno has the ability to fit in with any type of affair and help to break the ice and get people talking to each other. Bruno gets invited to all sorts of functions from weddings and engagement parties to corporate cocktail functions and meetings.

  • Entertainment:
    Cultural and Traditional Music, Event Theme Ideas, Roving Performers
  • City:

Audio Samples

  • Audio Player
    Sample Movie 1 - Bruno Vid 2010
  • Audio Player
    Sample Movie 1 - Bruno Vid 2010


  • Bruno The Waiter


Bruno has the ability to fit in with any type of affair and help to break the ice and get people talking to each other.

Bruno gets invited to all sorts of functions from weddings and engagement parties to corporate cocktail functions and meetings.

With a thick Italian accent and haughty manner, Bruno is the best person to be in charge if your main objectives are hilarity and mayhem.

If you feel your function could do with a little culture, Bruno can bring along his song accompaniment CD to sing some well-known opera numbers and lead a sing-a-long of some favourite Dean Martin hits, or break into spontaneous song whilst roving around your venue.

An accomplished entertainer skilled in improvisation, singing, audience participation and silver service flambé.