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Team Mural Painting Workshop

The team mural painting workshop will engage your team in a shared vision as they bring it to life through their painting.

The experience opens up conversation and peels away layers and misconceptions that team members often have of each other.

  • Entertainment:
    Indoor Teambuilding, Team Building
  • City:


  • Team Mural Painting Workshop


The team mural painting workshop will engage your team in a shared vision as they bring it to life through their painting.

The experience opens up conversation and peels away layers and misconceptions that team members often have of each other. By connecting the creative side of the brain to the vision, the team members will start to make subconscious links and come up with ideas to support it long after the event is over.
The art piece acts as an ongoing psychological trigger to keep the motivation and creativity fresh and therefore ensure that the team day has on ongoing value and does not end up in a “talkfest” as is often the case.

We run a tailored and facilitated event where participants will come together to visualise your selected theme/objective and ultimately to create a piece of art to represent it.

Working in small groups, your team will engage in creative thinking techniques to consider the theme from different perspectives.

Ultimately each group will develop an image or symbol to represent the theme. They will then draw, design and paint the image with the help of a professional artist.
An overall piece will be made up of all of the separate images.

We highly recommend ongoing use of the art to truly leverage the investment in the workshop. This can be achieved by hanging it, and the associated stories in a place of prominence. This will communicate the message and be continually seen by the team and other relevant people (eg customers etc). It will also create interest for people that did not directly participate. The uses for a digital version of the image are endless such as newsletters, intranet, awards, screen savers, and branding all strategic documentation.

We guarantee an entertaining experience that will also bond the team via a powerful sense of ownership around their vision and culture going forward.