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Short Performers

Children’s events only Characters such as : Oompa Loompas, Dwarfs, Leprechauns, Elves, Mini Me, Yoda, Teddy Bears, Pixies, Short Santa, Circus Ringmaster and much, much more!

  • Entertainment:
    Christmas Acts, Circus Event Theme, Event Theme Ideas, Impersonators, Roving Performers
  • City:
    Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney


  • Short Performers
  • Short Performers
  • Short Performers
  • Short Performers
  • Short Performers
  • Short Performers
  • Short Performers
  • Short Performers


Short Performers

Children’s events only
Characters such as : Oompa Loompas, Dwarfs, Leprechauns, Elves, Mini Me, Yoda, Teddy Bears, Pixies, Short Santa, Circus Ringmaster and much, much more!

Some of our performances have included, Melbourne Central Xmas Elves providing two weeks of entertainment around Melbourne Central During Xmas.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Parties with Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompas, Snow White and Dwarf Parties, Short Santa and Big Elf Parties (for Xmas with a twist) and Doctor Evil and Mini Me.

Let our short performers provide an amazing atmosphere at your next big private or corporate function.

Why not go one step further and mix them in with our stilt walkers to really wow people!

We have short performers located in all states.

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