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Cigar Girls Vic

Cigar Girls where all the rage in the 1920’s and are the classic entertainers – a flashback to to a time of elegance and exuberance.

  • Entertainment:
    1920s - Speak Easy - Gatsby, 1950's Theme ideas, Casino Royale Theme
  • City:


  • Cigar Girls Vic
  • Cigar Girls Vic
  • Cigar Girls Vic
  • Cigar Girls Vic
  • Cigar Girls Vic
  • Cigar Girls Vic
  • Cigar Girls Vic
  • Cigar Girls Vic
  • Cigar Girls Vic
  • Cigar Girls Vic


Cigar Girls for Corporate & Private Event Parties

Cigar Girls where all the rage in the 1920’s and are the classic entertainers – a flashback to to a time of elegance and exuberance. Cigars are not as common as they used to be, however the beauty, atmosphere and class that is brought to events by the presence of cigar girls remain. Cigar Girls are often seen carrying trays of candy as sweet as their personalities, but still dressed to impress.