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Black Swans

Black Swans Musical Roving Trio, performed by the same members of popular roving act The Sirens.. Created especially for Western Australia.

Mysterious and engaging, appearing as if from a magical realm, The Black Swans will play and sing right to the hearts of anyone who will listen; en-capturing their senses, and leaving joyful, playful, sensuous memories.

  • Entertainment:
    Black & Gold Theme, Black & White Theme, Enchanted Forest Theme Ideas, Fantasy Theme Ideas, Garden Party Ideas, Live Music, Roving Musicians, Roving Performers
  • City:

Video Samples

  • Black Swans
    Black Swans


  • Black Swans
  • Black Swans
  • Black Swans
  • Black Swans


Black Swans – Roving Musical Trio

Mysterious and engaging, appearing as if from a magical realm, The Black Swans will play and sing right to the hearts of anyone who will listen; en-capturing their senses, and leaving joyful, playful, sensuous memories.