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1980s Theme Party Entertainment

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1980s Theme Party Entertainment

1980s Theme Party Entertainment. The 1980s will never die! A chance to wear 1980s theme party costumes!Find & hire 1980s Bands, 80s Roving Entertainment and  1980s Celebrity look a like impersonators,

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1980s Theme Party Ideas

The 1980s are back with a vengeance.  The 80s were a time of one hit wonders, “big hair” and flamboyant and ever changing dress sense.  Bright neon colours and a larger than life pop culture make the 1980s event theme reinvigorate itself time and time again.

1980s theme pac man

1980s – Culture, Music, Celebrity 

” The 80s brought us iconic video games like Atari, Pac Man, Galaga & Space Invaders.  Movies like “The Breakfast Club”, “Back to the Future” “Indiana Jones” “Karate Kid” , “Dirty Dancing” & “Ferris Beuller”.  There were super stars like Michael Jackson,Prince, Madonna and yet more one hit wonders than you could count.

” There was MTV- the ability for kids to wake up to Saturday morning the film clips – POP CULTURE EXPLODED!”

The 80s were a time of Mixed Tapes, Ghetto Blasters and Bad fashion (including Bum Bags), velcro wallets and “the walkman”.  Music was every where all the time (thank you walkman.. little did we know!) and so the 1980s more than ever embedded music as part of your Personal brand!

1980s theme

If you’re planning a 1980s theme party below are some great ideas on how to bring your 1980s theme event to life.

1980s Theme Party Invitations

1980s theme party inivtations

1980s theme party invitations HAVE TO HAVE NEON COLOURS. If you don’t, you’re an “Absolute Beginner”

Thought >>> Why not get your guests (if they are old enough) to send in a photo of themselves taken in the 80s. You can have these playing on a screen during the party and create great ice breakers as people guess who is who?   

1980s Table Centre Piece Ideas

Start with the Styling and decor. Is your 1980s party a sit down event or a cocktail party ? If it is a sit down event, start by dressing your table.

The table centre piece is an easy way to get your “room” into the 80s. It can be bright, colourful, and can work with other room styling ideas.

Question:  Do you want you turn your whole table neon or go with a simple colour (white) and then make the centre piece really pop?  Bright centrepieces can include Rubik’s Cubes, Slinkies, Cassette tapes, Pac Man, neon straws. A 1980s record with a bright neon label can work wonders. 

1980s centre piece - cassettes

1980s room styling white wiht neon lights

Light is the alternative to neon ? Really ?

Alternatively, dress the room in white and use lighting to bring all the colour into the room.  In this instance the use of illuminated furniture will even take your style further.


1980s Themed Party Decorations

Ok, an easy 80s no brainer. Why note use 1980s items to help decorate? Ok, before you go and raid your parents house for old memorabilia, remember you can always use things as inspiration only!  You can repurpose old things or recreate one s in the image of the original.

The Rubik’ s cube is  easy to make, you can use them as room props, stage props, table centrepieces and more.

Posters from 1980s movies and TV shows also make great decorations. Projecting old movies or shows can also make great visual content on a blank wall! At the end of the day you want total people back and make it authentic as possible.

1980s rubiks cube- how to makje one

1980s theme – Celebrity Look a likes & impersonators

From movie stars to musicians, TV shows & celebrities of the time, there are plenty of “Characters” you can get to you 1980s themed party or event. Popular requests include Cyndi Lauper, David Bowie, Prince, Michael jackson, Madonna, George Michael, Whitney Houston, Jon Bon Jovi, Boy George,

Popular movies stars include Tom Cruise, Diana, Princess of wales, Molly Ringwald, Miami Vice, Eddie Murphy, Clint Eastwood, Sylvester Stallone, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson (as mad max of course)

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