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Michael Licenblat


Michael Licenblat is a Resilience Expert who teaches people in business how to bounce back fast from pressure, stress and burnout.

Michael has invested over 15 years helping thousands of people become ‘pressure proof’.

  • Entertainment:
    Celebrity Hosts, Keynote Speakers, Motivational Speakers
  • City:
    Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney


  • Michael Licenblat



Michael Licenblat is a Resilience Expert who teaches people in business how to bounce back fast from pressure, stress and burnout.

Michael has invested over 15 years helping thousands of people become ‘pressure proof’. Michael teaches people how to become resilient, using self-management strategies, so they can keep their energy high, increase their mental concentration, sustain their health and control their emotions when working under multiple pressures.

Michael believes that motivation and work-life balance is more about becoming resilient to pressure and expanding your capacity, instead of trying to reduce your stress.

With a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Diploma in Shiatsu body therapy, Michael has worked, one-to-one, with over 5000 people in his private health-care practice, helping them to recover from stress related ailments, become ‘pressure proof’ and ‘stop working themselves to death’.

Michael’s high energy, interactive and light-hearted presentations ‘Bounce Back – not Burn Out’, ‘Don’t Think Yourself to Death’,’Turn Stress into Energy and Enthusiasm’ and ‘Balancing Work and Life’ have been delivered to organizations such as Coles Myer Ltd., Pitcher Partners, SEEK Communications, SalesForce Australia, VECCI, Productivity Commission, Caterpillar Australia, Department of Justice, Scotts Australia, and Swinburne University.

Michael has also authored three books ‘Turn Stress into Energy and Enthusiasm’ , ‘Seven Ways to Prevent Becoming Over-Worked, Stressed-Out and Run-Down’ and ‘Bounce Back – How sales teams bounce back from rejections and objections’.

Based in VIC – travels everywhere