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Ideas & Insights

Hollywood Party Corporate Awards Night

Hollywood theme corporate events

Hollywood theme

The Hollywood theme will never die. The power of the silver screen or big screen is embedded into our culture. Television only increases the power and reach of “hollywood theme” for corporate events.

When faced with organising an event, the Hollywood theme comes up time and time again. It is easy to understand. Everyone gets it!

Hollywood theme – Dentsu Aegis

Instinct were engaged by Dentsu Aegis for another year to help create a Hollywood theme party. The choice of entertainment and MC are critical to the success of such and event. The event took place at THE STAR in Sydney and catered for approx 450 staff and guests.

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Hollywood theme – it’s about the talent

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In this case to allow staff and guests to enjoy conversation as the night commences a small jazz band was engaged. This allowed conversation to flow easily and created a sophisticated ambience. The Skylarks were the band of choice for this task.


The MC needed to be funny, but not over bearing. There was already plenty of personality in the audience. Professional MCs need to engage, but also need tho know what is appropriate and when to say it. David Smeidt was selected for this task an delivered admirably.

Hollywood theme - david smeidt

A custom choreographed feature performance with super star Michael Falzon and a troupe of dancers was a highlight of the night. Michael worked the stage and landing areas in a dynamic performance.

The night was rounded out by a stellar dance back from DJ Hanna Gibbs. Guests danced the night way in what was an outstanding staff celebration, to end a big year of work.

Hollywood- dj hannah gibbs


The hollywood once again delivered. The room decor, stage set and entertainment came together to create an excellent night of all.


Hollywood theme decore and styling

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Instinct delivered the following event management & entertainment services